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Adelita Martinez

Full Stack Web Developer

I'm a dynamic developer driven by a relentless pursuit of knowledge and growth. With a solid foundation in HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, I'm actively expanding my expertise by diving into cutting-edge frameworks like React and Node.js. My passion lies in crafting engaging and functional websites that leave a lasting impact. Additionally, a long term goal would be to elevate my skills and make significant contributions to the exciting realm of space exploration.



MindSight: A Wellness Tracker

MindSight app page

I collaborated with a team of four to develop MindSight, a wellness tracker focusing on monitoring sleep and mood. My role involved front-end and back-end development, contributing to user interface design and database implementation. Together, we delivered a holistic solution to promote well-being.

Image Search Explorer

Image search explorer screen

Image Search Explorer is a user-friendly web application designed to simplify the process of finding high-quality images. Leveraging the power of the Unsplash API, users can effortlessly search and explore a diverse collection of images based on their interests and needs. The application utilizes modern JavaScript techniques such as .map and fetch.

Contact Me

Thank you for your interest in collaborating. Whether you're looking to hire for your team or explore partnership opportunities, I'm excited to hear from you! Please fill out the form to get in touch.